Social Media


3 Tips to Improve Your Vein Clinic’s Social Media Strategy

Many vein clinics tend to view social media as just another marketing campaign: share relevant content on a schedule and wait for results. But social media is much more than that—it’s a conversation and a relationship with current and potential patients. People want to feel heard and engaged. If your social media presence feels impersonal […]

3 Tips to Improve Your Vein Clinic’s Social Media Strategy Read More »

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7 Tips to Increase Your Social Media Engagement (and How It Helps Your SEO)

You’d likely be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t see the potential in social media as a channel for marketing and communicating with potential and current clients. However, most people would probably also agree that getting the right engagement can be a challenge. What people might not realize is that there are benefits to

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A doctor smiling while using a phone, taking care to avoid HIPAA Violations

4 Tips for Avoiding HIPAA Violations on Social Media

Social media certainly has advantages for medical practices when it comes to branding and marketing to new patients. However, social media has placed many medical professionals in the crossfire of HIPAA violations. With little guidance available, it’s easy for medical professionals to make seemingly small mistakes online, but these mistakes can have huge consequences. The

4 Tips for Avoiding HIPAA Violations on Social Media Read More »

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Is Social Media Important for SEO?

Since it is not a direct part of your practice’s website, it’s assumed that your social media accounts don’t really impact your rankings in organic search. That is true…somewhat. While your practice’s Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat accounts don’t directly affect your website’s rankings, they do play a big part in visibility and awareness, which in

Is Social Media Important for SEO? Read More »

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How Do I Tell the Difference Between a Practice’s Facebook Business Page vs. A Personal Page?

It’s a question we frequently hear from our medical and legal clients: What exactly is the difference between a practice’s Facebook Business page and a personal page? Although the answer may seem simple, the difference between the two is critical for managing and optimizing your practice’s social media presence. Simply put, a Facebook Business page

How Do I Tell the Difference Between a Practice’s Facebook Business Page vs. A Personal Page? Read More »

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