Website Design

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Let’s Talk Lead Generation – And Why You Should Care

It might sound like marketing buzz, but lead generation has become an incredibly important part of any marketing strategy. If you’ve ever heard discussions about lead generation and had questions about the process, why it’s important to the marketing process of a healthcare practice, or even wondered what exactly lead generation is, this article is

Let’s Talk Lead Generation – And Why You Should Care Read More »


5 Questions to Ask Before Building a New Medical Website

Anyone can build a medical website, but without proper planning and precise execution, a medical website is a waste of time and money. Spending time thinking through your strategy ahead of time means you’ll have a website designed to do exactly what you need it to. These questions will help you define the purpose and

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A group of technical people working on website elements.

5 Technical Website Elements That Impact SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and the architecture of a website are deeply connected. Without proper website architecture, your website’s SEO won’t reach its maximum potential. In fact, a truly SEO-friendly website starts with the technical elements first. How exactly are the two linked? Here are 5 mission critical – and frequently overlooked – technical website

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Why You Need to Provide a Quality User Experience

Have you ever found yourself frustrated while using a website? Maybe a button is broken or you can’t find the specific page you’re looking for? User experience (commonly abbreviated as UX) is the process of removing these frustrations and roadblocks for people using your website. If you’ve never considered the UX of your website, there

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A user drawing a sketch on paper.

3 Reasons Search Engines (and Your Users!) Hate Your Website

Struggling to understand why your website isn’t ranking well? While the exact inner workings of Google’s search algorithms aren’t released to the public, they do provide regular updates and guidelines. Though business owners with websites have plenty of access to information about what will help and hinder their chances at ranking well, it can still

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Three Common Mistakes Graduates Make When Starting A Dental Practice

You’ve done it. You’re finished with the endless years of school, the years of clinical training, and the stress of passing your state licensing. Now you’re ready to start a dental practice, which means it’s time to figure out how to market yourself and your business. There’s lots of Advice about what to do, but

Three Common Mistakes Graduates Make When Starting A Dental Practice Read More »

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