How to Use Social Media for Dental Practices

A woman is sitting at a desk with a microphone and a laptop, using social media to promote dental practices.
social media for dental practices

So, it seems like you’re doing everything right. You’re tweeting and posting Facebook updates for your dental practice, but they never seem to gain any traction. You have fans, but none of them are commenting on or engaging with your posts. Wondering why you’re not seeing people talking? Well, it’s possible you’re not encouraging them to!

It’s easy to think of social media simply as a marketing campaign. You post relevant content on a timely basis, and that should be enough. However, it’s much more than just that. Instead of thinking of social media as a campaign, think of it as a conversation, or relationship you have with the people interested in what you’re offering. Consumers want to engage and they want their voices heard! If your dental social media ideas and updates paint you in the wrong light, no one will be encouraged to join the conversation. Let us teach you our tricks on how to best use social media for dental practices.

Tips on How to Use Social Media for Dental Practices

  • Give your audience prompts. You should be asking your audience questions, whether they are about matters regarding your dental practice or just fun, simple ideas that can grow a conversation. Fill-in-the-blank prompts are great ways to get people talking, as well as asking open-ended questions that allow for creative responses. Asking for their opinions will let them know you value what they have to say, and that’s important in maintaining an active and engaging social media presence.
  • Offer them something. A study conducted in 2010 revealed that almost 40% of Facebook users become fans of a page for special offers and discounts. By offering some sort of incentives for your patients, you encourage them to stay active in the community and spread the word to their friends, family, and colleagues.
  • Know who you’re talking to. Understanding your demographic is key if you want to engage with your audience. If you don’t know who your fans or followers are, how can you know who to cater your posts to? If you’re using Facebook, you can use their insights tool to see the types of people your posts are reaching, and with other forms of social media you can refer to the demographic studies that have been conducted. Target your posts and dental social media ideas towards the people that are reading your page!
  • Join the conversation. It’s not enough to simply make a post and then leave it alone when people start commenting. You have to stay involved in the conversation in order for there to be any sort of community centered around your brand or practice. It’s important to respond to all your comments (yes, even the negative ones) so patients will be more encouraged to write back in the future. They’ll know that they’re not simply talking to a faceless company, and it will prompt them to be much more involved.

We Can Help

Need help dialing in your social media strategy? MyAdvice has been helping dental practices like yours dial in their social strategy with Social Power, the tool created to streamline social media management. Contact one of our digital marketing experts today to see how it can help you. 

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