Using Your Maintenance Agreement To Your Advantage

How often should you make revisions or modifications to your site? The answer is simple, as often as possible. Establish a schedule for yourself so that you review your site, with a critical eye, on the 15th and 30th of every month. As part of your maintenance and hosting agreement with MyAdvice, you are able to make changes and modifications to your website.

MyAdvice has a few solutions that we believe will keep your website vibrant and visible to your patients.

Here are some helpful suggestions:

  • Have you used all the pages on your website?
    When you first developed your website you may have not completed all the pages you intended to. Perhaps you were waiting for staff photos to be taken or you just were not sure what you wanted to put on that page. Did you know that more pages on your website will enhance the search engine optimization (SEO) for your site? If you are unsure of the amount of pages you have in use, please contact your MyAdvice representative to obtain a page count. If you are undecided about what you want to add to those available pages, your MyAdvice representative will be able to provide you with suggestions. Providing your visitors with content that is easy to read and informative will expose them to the newer services you provide.
  • Does your website reflect the proper services that you currently offer??
    Have you recently received certification for a procedure that you had not performed when your website was first developed? Have you replaced one laser machine with another? Did you eliminate a procedure that you no longer perform? Let us know. We can make that adjustment rather quickly to your web site.
  • Are your online patient forms properly updated?
    While you may have changed your forms at your front desk you should keep them updated online. When there is a change in your office remember to change your site. You can send them to us electronically so that we can replace your old forms with your new forms on your site.
  • Has your curriculum vitae changed?
    Have you recently received certification for a new procedure? Written a new article for a publication? Are you now a member of a society that you were not a member of when your site was created? Why not share your achievements with your patients? By updating your site with new credentials you are presenting an updated view of yourself not only to existing patients but to your potential new patients. It will demonstrate to your visitors that you are current in your field and have successfully completed the training to prove it.
  • Do you have photos of before and after images that are old?
    While your results may be stellar, your photos have been on your site, in the same spot, since your site was published. Change them up! Photography equipment has improved dramatically in the past several years and the image quality of your photos improves too. By replacing those older photos, especially those that were taken on slides or polaroids, with your newer images your site does not become stale and your patients can see your most recent outcomes.
  • Are the stock photos on your site the same ones you had when your site was published?
    Allow us change them. Just let us know which ones you want us to replace and we will be more than happy to do so.

Other options you may want to consider, which do have a minimal cost but are still cost efficient choices, are the addition of a blog to your site, starting an email newsletter campaign or including search engine optimization (SEO) in your site.

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