Tech Speak: Website Terms You Need to Know

When you have a professional website set up for your practice, even if you use a web design and development service such as MyAdvice to set it up and fill it with content such as monthly blog posts, you should still be informed about common tech terminologies.

The terms below are relatively common but can sound like confusing jargon to those who aren’t familiar with building and maintaining websites. Learning their meaning will help you get a better understanding of your site’s online presence and management.

CMS is short for Content Management System, which allows you to simply and easily update your site’s content. Updating content can range from changing out a header image and adding a link to creating new categories and publishing a blog post. For example, you can create a post about a special that your practice is running on a particular procedure this month. If there’s something on your site that you can’t seem to change using your CMS, contact your web design company and they will either walk you through it or make the update for you.

Domain Name
Your domain name is the title of your website, and is also known as your URL, address or webpage name. Domain names are usually followed by .com or .net, or can be specific to a country. For example, a medical practice in Canada can choose to end their domain name in .ca. If the .com domain name that you would like to assign to your practice has already been claimed by someone else, we can help you come up with or pick a domain name that is easy to remember and properly represents your practice.

RSS stands for Rich Site Summary, although it has also been called Really Simple Syndication. An RSS feed allows for content to be constantly posted onto your site though automatic updates. Adding an RSS feed to your site – such as on your homepage or alongside your blog – will keep your site looking fresh and relevant.

IP address
IP means Internet Protocol, which is a unique address that is assigned to each computer. IP addresses are also assigned to printers, modems, smartphones and tablets. Your IP address reveals your location, so that, for example, news and weather updates can be tailored to you. IP addresses can also be static, which means that they are capable of changing. Your website can also have its own IP address, and assigning a unique IP address to your site makes it more stable and reliable.

MyAdvice Can Handle It for You

Too busy to manage your social media needs? Let MyAdvice help! We can plan an organized and effective social media strategy to get potential clients interested in your services! Contact an MyAdvice Representative to learn more.

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