Will a Separate Mobile Site Benefit Your Practice?

With the rise of smartphones and tablets having a mobile website is no longer an option, it is essential. There is some debate as to whether having a mobile website that is separate from a desktop website is beneficial.

When it comes to the creation of mobile websites, less is more. Instead of having two separate websites for one practice, make your practice’s existing website mobile-friendly.

One website URL is easier for users to share with others, and in the long run, far more effective. For example, say a mobile user shares content from a strictly-mobile website with a friend who is accessing the content from their desktop computer. The person using the desktop computer will only be able to see a watered-down version of the mobile site, resulting in a less-than-ideal viewing experience for the desktop user, who won’t be able to see, or benefit from all that your site has to offer!

Instead of creating a totally separate site for mobile, keep it simple. One website with unique content, and a visually appealing design, is a much better idea for a medical practice. In fact, your desktop website can be optimized to be displayed on devices of all different sizes and shapes!

Here is an example of how having one, mobile-friendly website may work in your favor: a potential patient is looking for a specialist in a specific area. This patient happens upon your mobile-friendly website while they are on a tablet device, during a lunch break from work. Your website is easy to navigate, and quite informative, so the patient decides to continue reading about your practice once the work day ends.

Once that patient gets home from work, they will turn to your desktop website (which looks exactly like the mobile site) to continue researching your practice. From there, the patient will be able to make a well-informed decision about your practice, and schedule their appointment!

A well-made, mobile-friendly website that provides informative, user-friendly content is exactly what will draw mobile users to your site- and by extension, to your practice!

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