Let Prospective Patients Find You on Their Mobile Devices!

A new survey conducted by Google found that more than half of smartphone and mobile device users conducted searches for local businesses at least several times a week.

Most often, consumers searched for local business information on their mobile devices while at home, at work and while on the go, according to the survey, which was conducted by Google in partnership with Ipsos MediaCT and Purchased.

The poll also found that the local business information that mobile users looked up most often included business hours, directions and the location of the local store they wanted to check out, as well as the availability of a particular product.

Having a mobile-friendly site that loads quickly and clearly shows your practice’s location and contact information – along with what procedures and services you offer — allows for busy on-the-go mobile users to conveniently locate your practice.

Check out the poll’s finding’s below:


credit | eMarketer.com


Learn more about mobile optimization for your medical practice’s site.


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