Choosing the Right Photos for Your Legal Website

When it comes to design and marketing, it’s important to tailor your image to your strengths and personality. You want to create a website that emphasizes the reasons a prospective client should choose your firm rather than the competition. You know the content on your website needs to drive this point home, but what about the imagery? 

Far too many law firm websites only have headshot photos of the firm’s attorneys. While these may look professional, they make your firm look like every one of your competitors and fail to show any personality. This makes sense, since a lot of your marketing decisions are probably based on what your competition is doing, but what can your website’s photography do to set you apart? The answer is more than you might think!

Use Action Shots

Your website should include a profile page, explaining who you are and who you work with. This is a great place to utilize your headshots (more on this later). Action shots come in handy everywhere else on your website to illustrate your disposition when working with other attorneys, staff, and clients. You should spread these photos throughout your marketing materials (including your website). This highlights the aspects of your personality that make you unique – specifically those that show your client that you are capable of approaching a case with empathy and understanding. This is important because prospective clients are often in a vulnerable position when they’re seeking out the services of an attorney. They may have feelings of shame, guilt, or embarrassment that are connected to the legal matter they’re bringing your way.

How to Create A Good Headshot

When it comes to  headshots, many lawyers think it’s sufficient to go into a stodgy studio with a monochrome screen and be done with it. The truth is, there are so many more options to consider. You want your headshot to convey both your essence and the essence of your firm. Are you an environmental law firm? Then you may want to find a nature reserve in your area and include lots of lush green in the background of your photo. Are you a family law firm? Then you may want to pick colors that appeal to family sensibilities. Adding a bit of personality to your headshot is another way to set yourself apart from your competition.

How to Get Good Photos

Your marketing photos should show you interacting with clients and team members. The easiest way to do that is to hire a photographer who can shoot you and your team in your own office. You might find that your office isn’t well lit. In this case, you can either rent out a space with sufficient lighting or do the shoot outside.

You may also want to highlight the character of the neighborhood you serve. People may respond positively to seeing a building or landmark that they recognize. This puts you in direct relation to your community and communicates a desire to serve that community.

We Can Help

Not sure how to leverage your photography for your legal website? MyAdvice specializes in building legal websites just like yours – and we’ve been doing it for more than 20 years. Contact one of our representatives to see how we can help you grow your practice today.

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