You Cannot Escape Your Online Reputation (or Lack Thereof)

Online Reviews for Lawyers

In today’s world, your online reputation is your reputation. There is no escaping it, no waiving it away in favor of more meaningful real-world accolades, no separating it from your “real” reputation. It’s all integrated into one big picture now, the picture of you and your firm that potential clients see as fact and who you are. It is how they decide if you are trustworthy, any good at what you do and, most importantly, how you will treat them. They don’t care where you went to school, how many awards you’ve been granted by your peers, or how well you talk yourself up on your website. They want to know how your customers feel about you.

Popularity Contest, Again

You would think that reasonably intelligent adults would delve deeper into the research when making a decision as important as which attorney to choose. But no. it boils down to a popularity contest that plays out online.

Choosing an attorney is often an emotional decision made by people who are going through a difficult time in their lives. And right now, they want someone they can trust. Someone who will take care of them, listen to them, be responsive. Someone who cares.

And they look to what other people say about you, not just how you present yourself in a static environment. How your clients feel about their experience with you. How you interact with and respond to your critics. Do you handle bad reviews quickly and with grace? Do you try to make things right? Are you present and available?

Your online reputation is essential. Managing it takes skill, experience and the help of those who stay on top of the trends while you are busy doing what you do best.

At Altrumedia, we can help you develop and maintain a positive online reputation. Call or email us today to find out how.

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