Why Your Healthcare Practice Should Set Up a Facebook Page

As Facebook is one of the most popular websites in use today, you may be wondering if your medical practice would benefit from a presence on this website. To learn about just how important Facebook is, take a look at some of the top reasons why your practice should be using this social media giant.

Why Your Healthcare Practice Should Set Up a Facebook Page:

  1. Keep your patients up-to-date on new events. Patients need to know about what’s happening at your practice!  A Facebook page allows you to keep your patients up-to-date on important changes or updates, like changes in your office hours, new locations, and more.  Have you recently added a new doctor to your practice?  Post the announcement and patients will see it in their Facebook news feed.
  2. Post accurate and verified information. It’s no secret that there is a great deal of misinformation on the internet. By posting factual and relevant information on your Facebook, you can help your patients avoid this misinformation and gain trust in you.
  3. Build relationships with patients. You can fill your page with announcements, tips, and articles pertaining to your practice, or anything you think your patients would find interesting. If your patients have a quick question, they can even message you through Facebook’s effective messaging system. This allows for a fast and easy way to connect and build relationships with your patients.
  4. Recommendations on Facebook can help your practice. Facebook is a great way to help grow your practice’s popularity. When looking for a doctor, people tend to use recommendations they receive from friends and family. If your patients post about you on Facebook or like a post about your practice, prospective patients can easily click on your page and see what it’s all about.

There are over 350 million active users on Facebook today.  It’s free, fast, and can benefit your practice tremendously. With the Facebook application, you can even access it from your phone, allowing you to update or check your page even when you’re on the go. If you’re ready to explore Facebook but don’t have the time to handle it yourself, find out how MyAdvice can help!

MyAdvice Can Handle It for You

Are you too busy to manage your practice’s Facebook or social media accounts? Let MyAdvice help! We can plan an organized and effective social media strategy to get potential clients interested in your services. Contact an MyAdvice Representative to learn more.

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