Why You Need a Mobile-Friendly Website

In case you are unsure if you should make your website a more mobile friendly one, there is a new unstoppable impetus on the horizon: Google itself. The search behemoth has now included a website’s mobile friendliness in its rank generating algorithms. This means your website will be pushed lower into the search results if it continues to be mobile-phobic. Google’s stated aim is to provide high quality and relevant search results optimized for mobile devices.

Why You Must Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

  • Mobile exceeds desktop activity: Recent surveys by comScore have revealed that about 55 percent of the total time spent online by an average individual was on mobile devices. From this 55 percent, smartphone usage comprised 44 percent and tablet the remaining 11 percent. Laptops and desktops were left with only 45 percent of users. In a sentence, your website must be mobile-friendly.
  • One-third of all online traffic has a mobile source: Surveys done by Walker Sands Communications, a marketing firm, sussed out data that, in 2013, about  31.3 percent of global online traffic to websites came from smartphones and other mobile devices. This figure was considerably more than 2012 figure of 23.4 percent. The takeaway from this study is that if your website is not mobile-friendly, your potential customers will redirect their browsers to your competitors sites.
  • Mobile friendly site mean more local customers: It is a known fact that 50 percent of all potential customers search a specific service through their mobile devices. Such searches are also made when the would-be customer has finally made up his or her mind to procure the service. In fact it is seen that majority of the customers visit the intended store within a span of 24 hours. This study has been done by Google itself.
  • Smartphone use is increasing with every passing day: As per a study conducted by Pew Research, smartphone ownership among Americans is now 58 percent now and increasing every day. About 61 percent of the smartphone using population are men and about 57 percent are women. Those in the 30 to 49 age group exhibits the highest incidence of smartphone usage at a whopping 74 percent.

Need More Information on Developing Mobile-Friendly Websites for Physicians? Contact MyAdvice Today.

For physicians seeking guidance in development of a mobile website for your practice, please contact MyAdvice today. We can be reached directly at 1-800-260-9497, and look forward to hearing from you soon.

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