More Businesses Are Planning Mobile Marketing Strategies, Are You?

With more and more patients on-the-go and glued to their smartphones and tablets, eMarketer reports that 75% of businesses without a mobile strategy plan to implement one within the next year. Do you have a mobile marketing strategy at your practice? If not, you may want to begin planning!

You may be wondering which types of mobile marketing strategies you should implement at your practice. Take a look at what businesses are doing worldwide!

Start With a Mobile Site!

Ever visit your website from a smartphone or tablet? Chances are its difficult read and navigate, causing mobile viewers to abandon your site and perhaps visit competitors’. A full mobile site ensures that potential patients who come across your site on their smartphone or tablet will view your site exactly how it appears on the web, except images, navigation and sizing will be optimized for viewing on their mobile device.

Don’t drive away mobile viewers! Contact an MyAdvice Representative to find out about our mobile websites. Also check out our previous post for some more mobile marketing ideas!

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