How to Best Reach Your Mobile Audience

There’s no doubt that having websites that are optimized for mobile devices are key to any medical practice’s success. Mobile sites are among the most important tools for growing medical practices, since they enable doctors to communicate with both patients and prospective patients. Mobile sites can be seen across various devices, including the iPhone, Android, and tablets. Using a mobile site enables doctors to receive a greater amount of feedback from on-the-go patients, leaving them with a better understanding of exactly what the patient is looking for from their medical professional!

If a mobile site fails to connect with patients, the site itself may be the problem. When optimizing your existing desktop site for any mobile device, make sure that the mobile site will be easy to navigate, as well as visually appealing to patients. While some doctors may choose to create an entirely separate website for mobile, optimizing your full website will enable patients who come across your site on their smartphone or tablet to easily view the site. The fully-optimized mobile site will be visible to patients exactly how it appears in its original desktop form!

With mobile optimization for your website, the one and only difference will be that the site is optimized just for mobile devices! It’s important to remember that if you don’t optimize your website for mobile, it can be difficult to load on mobile devices- which may cause viewers to immediately leave your website and visit another doctor’s site. Mobile search engines can help turn your web visitors into patients!

Another great way of reaching patients is through social media. Today, many patients are likely already using their mobile or tablet devices for browsing their social media accounts. Why not use your social media channels, such as Twitter or Facebook, to share information with your patients through a mobile device or tablet? Just be sure that anything (text, photos, videos, or additional content) can be easily viewed on such devices.


MyAdvice Can Handle It for You!

We offer a variety of services to help boost your mobile presence and reach your mobile audience. From full mobile sites to social networking packages, we have something for your practice! Contact an MyAdvice representative to get started.

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