Are Your Emails Optimized for Mobile Viewers?

A recent study by Return Path suggests by the end of 2012, more people will open and read emails on mobiles devices than on desktop computers.

More Mobile Email Stats:

• 88% of people check their email on their mobile phone daily
• Weekends are most popular for checking email on mobile devices
• 63% of Americans say they would close or delete an email not optimized for mobile

If you email patients with practice news, specials and promotions you may want to keep this shift in mind!

Here are a few ways to ensure mobile-friendly emails:


  • Avoid long subject lines-Your main message should be stated within the first 15 characters of your subject line. This is all mobile patients will see!
  • Font Size- Use a font size of 14 pts or higher for the body of your email and 30 pts or higher for headers.
  • Large Buttons- Make “clickable” buttons large enough for thumbs!
  • Simple Layout- Less is more with mobile-optimized emails. Too much text may be hard to digest on mobile, and images may be slow to load.
  • Mobile Site- If you include links to more information on your practice’s website or blog, this is a great time to consider going mobile! Full mobile sites look exactly like your current site, but are optimized for enhanced visibility on mobile devices.

Ready to go mobile?

Check out our mobile website solutions and contact an MyAdvice Representative to get started!

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