The Benefits of E-mail Marketing

With all the emphasis placed on using SEO, social media, and mobile marketing, e-mail marketing now seems like a lost art. However, the practice is still alive and well, and e-mail marketing can be especially beneficial for small medical practices.

So, what are some reasons to consider implementing e-mail marketing into your marketing plan?

  1. It’s simple, and easy to track. Many e-mail marketing services offer templates that you can easily fill with your own content, or custom-design to suit your needs. Best of all, in just a few minutes, your email can be sent to current or potential patients. Additionally, most e-mail marketing software allows you to track the success of a campaign, and to make improvements immediately.
  2. E-mail marketing is cost-effective. One of the most obvious benefits of email marketing is that it is an extremely cost-effective way of advertising.  E-mail marketing has no steep fees like the ones associated with buying a TV or radio spot, magazine ad, or billboard. While there may be a few overhead costs for sending out thousands of e-mails at once, it is a far more  cost-effective way for a small medical practice to promote itself.
  3. It works. Before you decide against e-mail marketing, think about this: many people check their e-mail account multiple times a day. Furthermore, many have bought a product or service after receiving an e-mail. Having a good e-mail marketing strategy is a huge asset when it comes to getting your name out there and into an e-mail inbox.
  4. It builds relationships. Through e-mail marketing, you essentially build a trusting relationship with your current or potential patients. Sending out an engaging e-newsletter or well-written e-mail can help a patient feel as if they really know you, and what services your practice offers. This is especially effective for  small or growing medical practices. Every patient wants to find a doctor they feel they can trust, and once they feel comfortable within your practice, they will keep coming back to you for treatment.

Need Help Managing Your Online Marketing?

MyAdvice has an entire Internet Marketing Services department dedicated to creating quality content and relevant back links to help increase your overall rankings over time. Contact an MyAdvice representative today to learn about our tiered SEO packages and find one that will work for your practice and budget.

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