INFOGRAPHIC: How a Google Search Works and What This Means for SEO

Did you ever wonder just how a Google search works? Why after typing just a few letters, Google seems to know you’re looking for? Or, perhaps more relevant to your practice, what makes certain results appear before others? Rest assured, Google has the answer once again! In a recent Infographic, Google takes us through the split-second journey of a search query.

Here’s how it all works:

Click the image to view larger.

What contributes to your website’s Google ranking?

According to the Infographic, Google’s algorithm looks at searches being performed — in your case, we’ll say by potential patients — and uses over 200 signals to decide which of the millions of pages of content on the web are most relevant. Signals include:

  • Freshness of web content- Do you update your site regularly? Do you have a blog you post unique content frequently? If not, consider doing so—Google loves this!
  • URL and title of your webpage- Do your site URL and webpage title contain the keywords being searched by patients?
  • Number of links to your site- Building links to your site is essential. Are you listed in local and membership directories? Do you put out online press releases frequently? Have you been mentioned in an online news story? If so, make sure these directories, press releases and other online stories contain links to your website. This builds search engine authority!
  • Quality of content- Is your site content unique? Do you provide useful information about conditions you treat and procedures you provide? Be sure to use popular keywords searched by potential patients throughout your content, but don’t overload!

Want to enhance your SEO?

The signals above are just a few out of over 200 ways Google decides your website’s ranking. Being proactive and optimizing your site for search engines is essential to being found today on the web. Seem overwhelming and time consuming? Let MyAdvice do the work for you! We offer various SEO plans aimed at bringing more potential patients to your site overtime. We also offer services to launch your blog, and write unique articles just for you! Contact an MyAdvice Representative to learn more.

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