Year in Review: Best Blogging Tips in 2014

The best online marketing practices are always changing. We at MyAdvice decided to take a look back on blogging in 2014 to highlight some of the best ways blogging can benefit your medical practice website. This year, blogs helped influence traffic to client’s sites by helping increase their site’s rank on search engines. Blogging ties in closely with search engine optimization (SEO). To follow is a look back on some of our best articles about blogging from 2014.


  1. Blogging Mistakes to Avoid highlighted some of the most common mistakes blog writers for medical practice websites make. One of the most important things to remember when writing blogs is to keep your target audience in mind. Oftentimes medical practice blogs may use language targeting other physicians, which can be a big blogging mistake.
  2. Saturating your blog articles with keywords can help drive your site’s SEO, as we learned in our article, Elements of a Valuable Blog Article.
  3. Posting frequently to your medical practice blog can help differentiate your site from the competition. In our article, Why Your  Practice Needs Blog Writing, we learned that medical practice sites without blogs often receive less traffic online.
  4. It’s been established that having a blog is important to the success of your medical practice website. However, what are you supposed to blog about? In our article How to Generate Blog Topics for Your Medical Practice we learned that relevant topics can generate themselves through the use of keywords. Also, awards and recognition or practice news make for great topics too.
  5. You thought passing the medical boards was the most difficult certification you’ve earned. Well, in our article Tips To Becoming a Board-Certified Blogger, us at the medical marketing board put physicians’ blogs to the test and shared our study guide to help improve your blogging credentials.

Not Ready to Take on Blogging in 2015? MyAdvice Can Write It For You.

Still not ready to manage your blogging presence alone? MyAdvice offers several different plans geared towards creating a successful blog for your practice. Contact an MyAdvice representative today to find out what we can do for you!

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