Bing’s Social Sidebar and Why Your Practice NEEDS to Be Thinking About It!

Google’s main competitor, Bing, is once again proving that search is going social! The company announced last week that Bing search results will now feature more content from the world’s number-one social network: Facebook. Revamping their “social sidebar,” The Bing Team explained these changes in a recent blog post. “…More often than not, we look to the people we trust to help us make decisions and get stuff done,” explains the company. “Five times more of your friends’ Facebook is now searchable on Bing. If they have a status update, shared link, comment or photo that is relevant to your search we’ll surface it in sidebar.”

Why Social Media Matters for Search

With social content appearing more and more in search engine results – and, in the wake of Facebook’s release of Graph Search – expanding your practice’s social media presence is becoming absolutely crucial to your online success. Not only does “joining the conversation” help to engage patients, but sharing content on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ is now becoming an integral part of enhancing your visibility on the web.

How? When potential clients are searching online for services and businesses in their area, they’re no longer presented with a simple, ordered list. Instead, more and more, their search engine results are being colored by the interests, opinions and recommendations of their friends and family members. And, if your practice hasn’t claimed its stake in the world of social media, you run the risk of being overlooked when potential patients are looking for a new provider in their area.

Medical Social Media Marketing

If you understand the benefits of Medical Social Media Marketing but don’t have time to manage your efforts yourself, let MyAdvice help! Our comprehensive Social Media Marketing packages ensure that your practice is represented on Facebook and Google+. Contact an MyAdvice representative today to get started.

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