Making the Most of Facebook’s New Features

For those who maintain a presence on Facebook, you may have noticed that they have been rolling out some new features and updates in the past few weeks. Most notable is the News Feed’s redesign, but there are a number of other changes you should be aware of to help make the most of your social media efforts. Let’s take a look at some of the new features and how you can use them to your advantage.

Check out Facebook’s new features!

  • Targeted ads in News Feed. Typically, Facebook’s targeted ads appear on the right side of the page, but they’re slowly unveiling a new feature which puts them right on your News Feed. They’ll appear amongst updates from friends, brands, and more, directly in the line of sight of anyone browsing their feed. While this feature is currently in test mode for a select group of users, be sure to be sure to keep this in mind as the News Feed is prime real estate for ads.
  • Ability to reply to comments. Facilitating conversation is an important tool in keeping your Facebook fans active and engaged, but sometimes the comments section can get a little messy. Facebook has now added a ‘Reply’ button, allowing for organized, threaded comments that can help you create conversation or address any comments or concerns your fans may have.
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  • Graph search. Some have complained about Facebook’s search function, as the results can sometimes be less than stellar. They’re attempting to rectify this with Graph Search, a new function allowing you to search for people based on interests, location, and a number of other factors. This tool is great for medical practices, as people can easily search for a doctor based on their location and specialties — so make sure your Facebook is up to date!
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  • Redesigned News Feed. With a number of redesigns under their belt, Facebook is preparing to release the newest look for your feed. Boasting a sleek, image-based display, it’s described as a “personal newspaper” in which people will have greater control over the content that appears in their feed. To make sure you continue showing up in the News Feeds of your fans, make sure you’re consistently posting interesting content!


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