Highlighting Customer Interaction on Your Company’s Facebook Page

When you get a positive comment, review or thank you note from a customer on Facebook, you want to emphasize it! Here’s a simple how-to guide for how to share their positive words with the rest of the followers and fans of your business’ professional Facebook page.

You may have noticed that your company’s Facebook wall is divided into two vertical sections, with the “Recent Posts by Others on (Your Company’s name)” showing up near the upper right corner of your wall. It’s a box located right above the “Reviews” section.

Usually, Facebook displays the four most recent posts that others have made about your business or practice, with older posts hidden behind a “More Posts” link that’s directly below those top four.

If someone posted information that isn’t relevant to your company or wrote about something that would be better discussed via direct message, you can click on the “x” located at the top right of their post and select the “Remove” option. Just make sure that you direct message the customer to discuss and address their concerns so that they do not feel as though their comment was ignored.

After clicking through “More Posts” and reviewing all of your Facebook page’s “Recent Posts by Others”, you can select which positive, relevant posts you want to turn into a full-sized post that will show up on your wall and in your followers’ newsfeeds.

The way to do this seems counterintuitive if you hover your cursor over the “x”, the word “Remove” will appear. Click on the “x” anyway, and it will give you more option for what you can do with the post. Then, select “Highlight on page”, which will prominently showcase the other user’s post on your wall. You can then go a step further and leave a comment on their post, thanking them for taking the time to leave positive feedback.

If you aren’t seeing a “Recent Posts by Others” on the upper right area of your wall, that just means that your followers haven’t posted any yet. You can remedy this by making a post inviting your fans and past clients to post about their experience with you. Make sure that your current customers know that your business has its own Facebook page, and that they are welcome to post on it. Then, once you start receiving positive posts on your wall, highlight them!


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