What You Need To Market Your Medical Practice in 2014

The beginning of a new year brings renewed opportunity for doctors to connect with patients. Since different marketing strategies work for different doctors, there is really no “right” or “wrong” way of reaching patients. However, in 2014, there are certain elements that are necessary for successfully marketing a medical practice.

Let’s take a closer look at what you need to effectively market your practice this year.

  1. You must have a user-friendly website. We are living in a digital age, where patients turn to the internet for almost everything, including  finding a doctor. Because of this, a medical practice without a user-friendly website runs the risk of getting lost in cyberspace! A medical website  has several important purposes: educating both potential and current patients about your practice and what specialties you offer, ways of contacting you (phone number, location, email address, etc.), and access to medical articles, photos, and facts that relate to your practice. If you already have a website, make sure that your website is up-to-date and reflects the image you wish to present to patients.
  2. You will need a marketing budget. While this may seem obvious, many doctors  do not recognize the importance of setting aside dollars specifically for marketing opportunities. However, this does not mean you need to set aside thousands of dollars. If your budget is small, focus on cost-effective social media sites like Facebook. Marketing your medical practice is making an investment in your future success, so it is important to begin 2014 with an effective strategy that works for you, and your budget. Look over your budget carefully, and make sure that all of your goals for marketing are in-line with what you have set aside!
  3. You need an effective way to communicate with patients. One of the best ways for doctors to generate new business is referral marketing- relying on patients you already have to spread the word about your practice, resulting in new patients coming your way. Stay at the top of your existing patient’s mind by sending out quarterly newsletters or e-mails, keeping them up-to-date about any services or practice news.

MyAdvice Can Handle It for You!

Do you need help with your online marketing plan? Let MyAdvice help! We can plan an organized and effective strategy to get potential clients interested in your services! Contact an MyAdvice Representative to learn more.

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