We are living in the ultimate age of information. Today, almost everyone stringently researches products and services before they pay for them, and that includes their medical and cosmetic needs. You can be sure that patients will look for websites, reviews, and any other educational materials they can get their hands on before choosing a medical professional for an important procedure.
In fact, a recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that patients who did research before a medical appointment had more productive visits. Clients felt less pressure when making a decision, and also enjoyed their overall experiences at the doctors’ offices more at the conclusion of the study.
Whether potential customers are looking for more information on a doctor or the actual service they require, it is important that any medical practice be prepared in terms of their online representation. Let’s take a look at how you can be ready to help create an informed patient.
Top Methods for Keeping Patients Educated
- Keep a medical blog. Blogs are a great tool when it comes to keeping patients informed. They are updated regularly to engage clients, as posts are being consistently added, and their length allows for more details on the services you offer. The posts can even be tagged and categorized for easier access. You can link to other parts of your website within the post to encourage further patient exploration within your site as well.
- Social media is key. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and many other popular social media sites are essential for any business that wants to help educate their potential customers. Patients may not always stumble upon your site through a Google search; so, social media accounts are an engaging, visually-stimulating method for patients to find you. They also allow current or former patients to more easily direct traffic to your practice through shares and posts where they can discuss their experiences and tag your practice.
- Mobilize! A lot of researching is done on smartphones today. Making your website mobile-friendly will help you gain attention from informed potential clients. Keep it user-friendly and visually stimulating, but with enough detail and information to attract information-seeking patients. If your site is difficult or troublesome to use on mobile devices, it is more likely that potential clients will turn away from it.