Facebook Adds Call-to-Action Button on Business Pages

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Hark! Your business will soon (if not already) have the opportunity to generate more website traffic and increase customer acquisition directly from your Facebook Page! Within the next couple weeks, Facebook will be adding a Call-to-Action button on every Business Page.

Facebook Adds Call-to-Action Button on Business Pages

Facebook wants to boost your business objectives and make your involvement with their platform worthwhile. The button, strategically placed along the top of the Page within the Cover Photo, will draw user attention and link to a designated webpage. Businesses will have a choice between seven button options, including Book Now, Contact Us, Play Game, Shop Now, Sign Up, Use App, and Watch Video.

Website traffic from Facebook will surely increase and, hopefully, result in additional conversions.

What Should You Do Next?

Choose a button – We’ve heard from many of our clients that they want a way for patients to book an appointment when they visit their Facebook Page. Here is your chance to make that happen! Select the Contact Us button for patients to easily access your contact form.

Choose a URL – Use the hyperlink for your selected website page (i.e. Contact Us, Book an Appointment, etc.). Copy and paste into the button settings.

Check cover photo – The button may not stand out enough atop your current cover photo, depending on the images, graphics, and colors. Make sure that the photo complements the new button. Change your photo if need be. Note: Making the button even more noticeable may be enticing (with arrows, text, etc.).  But hold up! Call-to-Action buttons don’t yet appear on the Facebook mobile app, so these design elements will be confusing to patients.

Monitor your success – To the right of your Facebook Business Page, view the CTA Clicks for the number of patients that linked from Facebook to your website.

Facebook Adds Call-to-Action Button on Business Pages

It’s that simple! Complete just a few easy setup details and watch the traffic roll in. Contact us if you need help along the way.

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