Write On: Reach More Customers Through Blogging

Setting up social media accounts is a great way to promote your medical practice and develop a web presence, but if you’re looking to expand your online reach and interact with patients and customers in a more in-depth way, blogging is the solution.

Whether it’s set up as a section on your practice’s professional website or created separately on a blog-hosting platform such as Blogger or WordPress, launching and regularly updating a blog establishes three major points:

1. Increasing your web presence. Writing about subjects that are pertinent to your field will help to establish you as an expert as well as help your practice gain exposure. For example, a plastic surgeon can blog about new implants or injectable fillers that have recently been approved by the FDA, or write about new procedures and surgical techniques that are on the horizon.

Writing timely blogs or articles about subjects that have to do with your field and your practice’s services will also improve your ranking results with search engines. Just make sure that your content is well-written and original, and that you properly cite sources if you have to include someone else’s information.

2. Educating visitors. When potential customers do a Google search for a service that you offer and come across your site that way, the presence of a regularly updated, up-to-date blog full of useful information speaks volumes about your practice.

Establish and build a strong online reputation by maintaining a thoughtfully written, accurate and informative blog and your efforts will pay off. Use your blog to educate potential customers about your services, specials you are currently offering and relevant health news.

3. Maintaining a relationship with customers. A blog will also keep current clients in the loop and provide them with a place where they can leave comments and feedback, as well as ask questions. You can moderate the comments on your blog and approve which ones get posted.

Your site’s visitors can also have the option to sign up for a newsletter so that they are automatically informed via email whenever your blog is updated. You can also spread awareness of a new blog entry by sharing a link to the post on your practice’s Twitter, Facebook and Google+ accounts.

MyAdvice Has a Dedicated Social Media Department

Are you too busy to manage your practice’s online presence? Does regularly updating your social media accounts or blog seem too daunting? Let MyAdvice help! Our dedicated social media department can prepare and execute an organized and effective social media campaign to get potential patients interested in your services! Contact an MyAdvice Representative to learn more.

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