How Twitter Can Make You A Better Doctor

Social media marketing is not just for businesses anymore. Even individual professionals like lawyers, actors, real estate agents and architects among others can use the social networking sites to connect with their clients and find ways to give more than they are currently offering. Even doctors, can make the most of social networking sites, to interact with their patients not just to boost business, but for their overall well-being. Here are a few ways in which you can become a better doctor using Twitter.

Twitter Tips

  • Stay updated: Twitter is one social media tool that will allow you to follow people virtually, thereby allowing you to access the knowledge that they discover and share what you know with those following you. As a doctor, you need to stay up to date with the latest advancement in the field of medicine and medical technology. This is important for medical students as well as qualified doctors.
  • Share valuable information: Availability of a new type of treatment, therapy or medication that can help your patients, as well as valuable information with regards to the diet, physical and mental health and other useful information that your patients can benefit from can be shred via Twitter. Post a useful article, blog or news feature on your Twitter page and everyone following you will be able to access it. Make sure you don’t post sensitive information about patients or any specific case on Twitter, as it is a public forum.
  • Learn from others: Twitter is a platform on which you can share not just relevant information from the medical field, but also inspiring and interesting news stories, articles, quotes and much more from others on the social networking site. Not only do you get to access and read up stuff, but you can also comment and leave feedback on specific articles, blogs or news features that are related to your field of expertise.

All in all, Twitter is an excellent source of information when you are connected to the right people. More than anything, social networking can be fun.

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