Encourage Patients to “Check-in” on Social Media

A new study from the Pew Research Center suggests that the number of Americans using “check-in” services has doubled in the past nine months. For those who don’t know, “checking-in” is a feature of several social networks like Facebook and Foursquare. It allows users to share their location with friends, family and colleagues. And, encouraging your patients to check-in is not only a great way to communicate on social networks, but also a marketing strategy to help grow your practice!

Claim your location!

First, you must claim your Foursquare location and your Facebook business page. If you already have a Facebook page, add your address so you can be found.

Then, patients can search locations in the area to come across your practice or, proactively search for your practice name to check-in. If you’re offering a deal or special, it will show next to your practice name.

So, how can you use these free check-in services to market and build your practice?

1) Offer discounts and specials for check-ins:

  • Foursquare allows you to create specials to be “unlocked” by new, existing or frequent customers. Try offering discounts on common procedures or new products. You can even give away gift cards to a local coffee shop or let patients who “check in” to park for free. Promote specials on your social networks and hang signs in your office.
  • Facebook now offers deals for check-ins. When patients check in to your location, they’ll be able to claim individual deals, deals after a certain number of check-ins, group deals and even charity deals. Unlike Foursquare, your deal must be approved by Facebook, which takes about 2 business days. Visit Facebook’s Help Center for more information.

2) Give patients something to do in the waiting room

  • After claiming your listing, Foursquare will mail your location a window cling. Hang it up to encourage patients to check-in on Foursquare in the waiting room. Share photos and tips to give them something to do!
  • Encourage patients to check-in on Facebook and read articles or blog posts on your wall. This will help foster more communication on your page.

3) Add buttons to your website

  • Make sure patients and potential patients who come across your site know you’re active on social networks. Add social icons to your site to encourage communication and check-ins.

4) Establish brand advocates

  • When patients check-in using any social network, their location is shared with their followers and friends. These patients will serve as brand advocates, potentially influencing others to visit your location as well.

Keep up with the trends!

“Going social” shows patients that your medical practice is tech-savvy and keeps up with the current trends. And, allowing patients to check in will get your name out there! To learn more about how social media can benefit your practice, contact an MyAdvice Representative.

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