Not Just Another Logo

AMlogo 1

Ever wonder how logos get designed? We decided to share the story of our corporate rebranding…

It’s no understatement that brand logos are everywhere these days. You can probably spot too many to count from where you’re sitting right now (on your clothing, computer, coffee mug). But unless you’re a graphic designer, you might not have given much thought to how these designs are developed and what makes them successful.

Many of us at MyAdvice hadn’t either—until we needed a new logo following our recent merger with MedNet Technologies. It’s been fascinating to learn what goes into a powerful logo design.

Here are a few key features that went into our new logo:

  • Who we are: We wanted the design to represent our corporate culture, or identity. For us that’s fresh, young, progressive, sophisticated, yet friendly and approachable.
  • Versatility: Our logo needed to look great everywhere and in any size or orientation. That meant a design that looks as awesome on a business card or screen as it does on a banner and is recognizable horizontal or vertical.
  • Originality: We wanted a logo that everyone would know was ours. So we looked for fresh, unique designs that at the same time incorporated current trends of clean, bold design. One thing that helped us set ourselves apart in the marketing industry was using our mountain setting as inspiration. (As you can see, the logo looks very much like two mountain peaks!)
  • Color: This was another way to show our personality and professionalism: the blue shades we chose are fresh and bold but also elegant and sophisticated.
  • Something new for the merger: The logo needed to be more than an update—it needed to represent our merger with MedNet Technologies. So we looked for ways to show unity between the two companies. We found that having MyAdvice initials “A” and “M” intersect was a simple and powerful way to represent the merger, while still paying tribute to MedNet’s rich history.

The process resulted in a logo that we’re proud to share with the world and that really says who we are!

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