Engaging with Millennial Women Online

Engaging with a younger generation of patients has become crucial for the success of any medical practice or office. Young adults who were born in the early 1980s (commonly called “millennials”, or “Generation Y”) are now becoming parents and turning to the internet to research medical care for their family. Millennial women remain particularly important to reach, since they are usually the ones who make the family medical care decisions.

How can you make your practice stand out enough to appeal to these millennial women?

  1. Create a memorable website. Unlike prior generations, the millennial generation grew up using the internet. Women of this generation know what kind of websites work for them, and which don’t. They respond to a site that is memorable to them in some way — whether it is the site’s design, content, or the overall message the practice offers through their site. Post original, informative, and engaging content to catch the millennial woman’s eye.
  2. Take the guesswork out of your website. Millennials typically will not spend hours researching a doctor or practice. They want to see everything on their own terms, which usually means seeing everything at once! To make it easier for patients, make certain your website and social media pages offer a complete description of all the services your practice offers. However, don’t overload the site with data or statistics. Make it just simple enough, so any guesswork is taken out of the research process for the potential patient.
  3. Link your website to your social media pages. Millennials respond to practices that are active in social media, since this will allow them to gain greater insight into who you are as a doctor, and what patients already have to say. Active Facebook and Twitter pages can make the potential patient feel as if he or she already knows you. Also, keep in mind that millennials share everything through social media channels, including poor experiences. However, when a patient has a great experience at your practice and broadcasts that over social media, your business increases!

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