Social Media Updates: A Roundup

The world of social media is constantly changing. If you saw a screenshot of what Facebook looked like even just five years ago, you’d likely be surprised that it’s the same website. With that in mind, it’s important to remember that as these sites change, they introduce many new helpful features and updates you may not even be aware of. To follow is a roundup of some recent and upcoming changes on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and how you can use them to your advantage.


If you’ve accessed Twitter on a computer in the past few days, you may have noticed that some subtle changes have been made. When visiting someone’s Twitter page, you will now see a brightly colored button prompting you to tweet at the user in question, or direct message them if they follow you. Additionally, they updated the web font for more “speed and readability,” and have provided users with more options when selecting a background color. Both updates seek to improve the overall user experience, and make it easier to reach out and connect with others.

Twitter CFO Anthony Noto recently outlined some changes that they hope to roll out in the coming year. This includes changes to search, more specifically the reverse-chronological stream of results that currently exists. While no algorithm changes have been made yet, it’s something to look for in the future.


Facebook events see interactions from over 400 million people each month. Previously, ads for the Facebook events appeared only on the right-hand side of the page, making them easy for users to miss. Facebook recently introduced an update that allows event ads to appear in both mobile and desktop news feeds, allowing for more exposure and a greater chance of someone noticing your event. Additionally, Facebook introduced event Insights, allowing you closely monitor how many people are checking out or interacting with your event.

Facebook has also announced another new advertising update, allowing advertisers to now target mobile users by bandwidth, or the speed of their mobile network connection. Aimed at targeting emerging markets, this feature will help reduce the amount of wasted impressions – a problem for many advertisers. For example, someone in a country without 3G or 4G connectivity will likely have trouble viewing a video ad. This update allows advertisers to only target this video ad towards those with higher mobile internet speeds, not those who will have trouble viewing the video.

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