Review Power for Gastroenterology Practices

Review Power for
Gastroenterology Practices

Create a steady stream of positive ratings from satisfied patients to earn trust and expand your business.

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A recent study shows that 92% of consumers now read online reviews.

Online reviews aren’t just for the new Thai restaurant or a product on Amazon. Reviews have become crucial to building trust in all businesses, gastroenterology practices included. You need positive reviews to convert curious website users to new patients.

Consider the following:


say that positive reviews make them trust a local business more.


of customers are likely to spend 31% more on a business with excellent reviews.


of consumers will take action only after reading a positive review.


of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

No matter how strong your marketing efforts are, generating a steady stream of positive reviews and ratings from happy patients is critical for earning trust. MyAdvice’s Review Power product helps you build authentic reviews and offers a solution to manage your online reputation.

In addition to boosting your online reputation, our reviews and rating platform works with your other marketing strategies to enhance your search rankings, amplify your brand, and gain and retain patients.

All of these drive high-quality leads, more conversions, and more revenue.


The easiest method of generating reviews is asking for them.

Successful Strategy Components


The easiest way to generate new reviews is simple - just ask for them!  Whether it be after an appointment, through an email, your newsletter, you need to take the initiative to ask patients to share their experience online.  Make sure your front desk staff never hesitates to ask for a review when a patient expresses their satisfaction upon checkout.  Consistent reviews establish your practice as trustworthy and competent, while simultaneously highlighting the things that patients find most useful and unique about your practice.

MyAdvice’s Review Power platform allows you to request customer feedback via email or text message.

To streamline these efforts further, we provide templates that you can customize and automate. Then, with just the click of a button, that email or text message is sent to the customer, and they can leave their feedback on Google or Facebook. 

To complete your reputation management efforts, you will be notified of each review that is left, giving you the option and suggestions on how to respond. 

Slice of Advice

Blog Post:
Guide to Request & Respond to Reviews

Respond to Reviews

Responding to patient reviews is crucial when managing your review strategy.  You should respond to both positive and negative reviews in order to really build trust in your practice.  These responses show you care about your patients.  This also allows prospective gastroenterology patients a view into your practice and how you treat your patients.  

Our Review Power platform helps gastroenterologists spotlight the positive feedback and encourages clients to share their experience with your gastroenterology practice. This is an affordable, low-cost way to engage with your patients.

41% of consumers say that brands replying to reviews make them believe the company really cares about their customers.

Source: Bazaarvoice

Unfortunately, negative reviews are inevitable, and the way you handle these will speak volumes to current and potential patients. They are reading these responses and want to see how you respond.  Responding to negative reviews is crucial.  There is a much better chance of a negative reviewer adjusting their review or deleting it if you respond to them.

With this advanced notice, you and your team can reach out to the dissatisfied patient and try to rectify the situation. This personal touch might just help change their mind.

Easily Build & Manage Your Reputation with Review Power

Negative reviews are inevitable, but here’s some tips on how best to handle them.

Slice of Advice

Blog Post:
Tips on how to handle negative reviews

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