Case Study: Using Facebook Ads to Drive Leads for a New Plastic Surgery Practice

Generating leads for any practice can be difficult at times, but when the practice and overall online presence are brand new it can prove to be even more challenging. Page 1, a new member of the MyAdvice family, encountered this exact issue after a new plastic surgery practice in Tulsa, Oklahoma, came onboard as a client in September 2018.

Once the client’s website went live, Page 1 Solutions utilized Facebook Conversion ads to generate leads and brand awareness using a limited-time breast augmentation special. We ran the Conversion ads for one month (February 22-March 20) using a budget of $750. In order to further optimize these ads, we created mobile-friendly, 10-second video ads which helped increase overall reach and engagement.

Find out what steps Page 1 Solutions took to create a successful breast augmentation Facebook Conversion ad campaign (which concluded with a 20.8% lead-to-conversion rate) in the SlideShare below:

Is your practice interested in utilizing Facebook Conversion ads to generate qualified leads? If so, contact MyAdvice today at 435.575.7470 to get started!

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