5 Things A Doctor’s LinkedIn Profile Should Have

A screenshot of a computer displaying a LinkedIn profile.

With LinkedIn’s professional reputation, its use among doctors has been increasing. A quick search will show you that there are now well over 2 million people in the healthcare industry on LinkedIn. While social networks like Facebook and Twitter are great for engaging patients and attracting new business, the benefits of LinkedIn revolve more around professional development.

A doctor’s LinkedIn profile is very important. Here are a few reasons why:

  • LinkedIn functions as an online resume. Even if you’re happy with your current situation or are self-employed with no plans to apply for a new position, your LinkedIn profile is necessary for networking. When you meet someone new (say, for example, at an industry convention), they will go back to the office and Google your name to learn more about you. LinkedIn profiles typically show up on the first page of Google results, giving your new acquaintance a quick, professional glimpse into your career and credentials. If you’re nowhere to be found, you may miss out on a potential business opportunity.
  • Patients may use it to research your professional qualifications. A potential patient may hear about you through a friend, and will likely turn to Google to learn as much about you as they can. Patients who find your complete profile on LinkedIn will feel more comfortable knowing more information about you and it will put their mind at ease; it may even be the determining factor for choosing you as their new healthcare provider.
  • LinkedIn groups provide a place to connect with other medical professionals. There are many groups for those with similar interests to share content, find answers, post and view jobs, make business contacts, and establish themselves as industry experts. These communities allow physicians like you to stay in touch with the latest trends in the medical industry.

LinkedIn members with complete profiles receive 40 times more engagement than profiles containing only basic job descriptions and career histories. What does a complete profile include? Let’s look at 6 things.

1.Basic Info 

This includes your name, photo, and headline. Let’s start with your name. Keep it simple and only include your name. Your headline (the small line of text that appears after your name), on the other hand, can include other things such as your title, and other keywords you might want to be found for. Don’t go wild, but include what makes sense here. Finally, your LinkedIn profile photo should be professional. It’s worth the extra time and money to hire a professional photographer. Anything less doesn’t leave nearly the same impression. 

2. Summary 

Your LinkedIn summary is one of the most important details of your entire profile. Make sure you are always writing in the first person and summarize why you went to college to become a doctor, your specialty areas, and your passions in the medical field. This is also a good place to reuse those keywords you utilized in your headline. 

3. Experience 

List the jobs you held as a doctor, and include your accomplishments at each one. If possible, include videos or photos.

4. Skills and Expertise  

Add at least 5 key skills that are representative of your expertise, such as surgeries, areas of study, or specialty skill sets.

5. Education, Honors, and Awards 

Besides including your undergraduate and doctorate degree, you should include any honors or awards you have received. Honors and awards allow you to stand out from other physicians. Don’t be afraid to showcase your accomplishments on your profile!

6. Recommendations

Recommendations are an excellent way to build online credibility, which is especially important as a doctor since many patients want to feel secure about their choice in a physician. Ask former colleagues or current patients to write a short paragraph about you.

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