Daddy Do-Overs Present Growing Marketing Opportunity

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Pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding wreak havoc on a woman’s body, and those changes led to the popular “mommy makeover,” which combines a tummy tuck, breast lift, and liposuction into a single surgical session. Many of our MyAdvice plastic surgery practices have dedicated followings made up of women looking to reverse the effects of having children on their figures.

While men can’t blame the rigors of pregnancy and childbirth on their declining bodies, more and more they are opting to have what are being known as “daddy do-overs” to reverse these changes in their bodies.

We feel this could be a good niche marketing area for our practices, so let’s get into this trend as detailed by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).

Men and plastic surgery

According to ASPS statistics from 2019, a total of 1.3 million cosmetic procedures, both surgical and non-surgical, were performed on men. Of this number, 211,390 of those procedures were cosmetic surgery.

For men in 2019, the top five cosmetic surgeries were nose reshaping (49,528), eyelid surgery (31,533), liposuction (30,288), breast reduction (24,123), and hair transplantation (17,050).

What is a daddy do-over?

Unlike mommy makeovers, which consist of a set group of cosmetic procedures that directly target the changes made by pregnancy, delivery, and breastfeeding, daddy do-overs are somewhat of a catch-all term. A daddy do-over simply combines two or more procedures into a single surgical session.

The changes in men’s bodies after having children, or simply when entering middle age, are typically weight gain, hair loss, and sagging skin. Whether the changes come from the stress of having teenagers in their life or from the advancement of male pattern baldness, men don’t like what they see.

The most common procedures that are combined are liposuction, eyelid surgery, and jawline contouring to address a double chin. Rhinoplasty (nose surgery) is the single most popular male cosmetic surgery, but often it’s not simply cosmetic due to aging, but to rectify the damage done years earlier by an injury.

The bodies they are a-changin’

As mentioned above, men can’t blame their children for their physical changes, unlike moms looking for mommy makeovers. But aspects of having children definitely impact men’s bodies. Diet and exercise patterns can change dramatically. Sleep is often impacted. Of course, everyone’s body is impacted by the decline of collagen and the general slackening of the tissues that simply comes with aging.

Men tend to accumulate fat in their stomach area, and this becomes accentuated with loosening, sagging skin. That’s why over 30,000 men had liposuction last year. Also, weight gain and a side effect to certain medications can give men enlarged breasts, a condition known as gynecomastia. Over 24,000 men had their breasts reduced with surgery last year.

And hair loss. By the age of 50, approximately 85 percent of men will have significantly thinner hair. Much of that has nothing to do with male pattern balding; it’s just aging. But new methods of hair transplantation, called follicular unit extraction (FUE), have made hair transplantation an interesting area of cosmetic surgery. Instead of taking a strip of growing hair from the back of the head (where it is less prone to thinning or pattern baldness) and plunking it down on a thinning or balding area, with unnatural-looking results, FUE takes individual growing follicles from the back of the head and transplants them to the thinning areas. This creates natural, real hair growth in those areas. Men make up 70 percent of the 24,348 hair transplantation procedures done in 2019.

Keeping up at work

Many men are opting to have daddy do-overs or standalone procedures such as eyelid surgery to keep up with younger counterparts at work. Nothing says, “Hey old-timer” like sagging upper eyelids and under-eye bags.

“Dad bods” everywhere are characterized by a belly that could be slimmed dramatically with liposuction.

Plus, injectables could be a part of any daddy do-over. In 2019, 473,354 men had Botox or other botulinum toxin injections to erase crow’s feet, the 11s, and forehead lines.

Marketing opportunity

If your cosmetic surgery practice is seeking to bring in more men, it could be a great idea to position your push as a Daddy Do-Over. Group the surgeries and/or injectables that you think would work for your target audience and package them under the Daddy Do-Over moniker. It could be a great way to connect with potential patients.

Plus, since your practice is dominated by your female patients, they can also be a good source for the men in their lives to come see you. Positioning this as a Daddy Do-Over makes sense to men, rather than pushing to have, say, eyelid surgery.

Themes could be something to the effect, “Who says mommy is the only one to get a makeover? Check into our Daddy Do-Overs at XYZ Plastic Surgery.”

If you have questions about marketing opportunities, such as Daddy Do-Overs, contact your MyAdvice representative and let’s talk. Or, if you’re new to us, simply fill out a contact form or give us a call, and let’s see how we can help your practice excel in the digital world.

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