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Better results in less time: how to leverage text messaging to boost online reputation.

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About the Practice

Luxe Loft by Mathews Aesthetics
Poland, OH
Online Reputation

Performance Improvement


Reviews Generated in 2 Years



Average Review Rating


Time Saver

Results reported 24 months after onboarding with Review Power

Having a steady stream of new reviews coming into your practice is one of the biggest keys to success. Luxe Loft by Mathews Aesthetics has proven this theory to be true: not only have they used Review Power to generate 406 new reviews in 2 years, but they’ve also maintained a 5-star review average.

It’s these two factors that also help them maintain such a powerful local search presence. According to Lilly Reed, Social Media and Marketing Specialist at Luxe Loft, “clients always come in and tell us that they looked us up online beforehand.” Lilly is also tasked with helping to prepare clients for their appointments, so she appreciates the convenience of Review Power to make it easy to request and manage reviews from one place.

She credits their success with reviews to one thing: text messaging. As she put it, “texts are easier to send and respond to, and we find that people are more receptive to them.” Since she has to split her time between marketing and patient prep, she appreciates that Review Power reduces the amount of time she needs to spend requesting reviews from clients.

lilly reed

“We’re in a really competitive industry, and having great reviews has helped us stand out. Review Power made that so easy.”

~ Lilly Reed, Social Media and Marketing Manager

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