How to Find Your Audience Online

Using an online platform, a person finds an audience and draws a group of people.

When new business owners are just starting to market their businesses online, it can be tempting to try and get the business in front of anyone and everyone. However, in the same way your business isn’t for everyone, your marketing shouldn’t be either. Finding your audience online requires research, testing, and measurement, but it pays off in the long run by making your marketing more effective. That means lower costs and more conversion from visitor to customer. Sounds exciting, right? But how do you do it? The first step is creating a marketing persona. 

How do you create a marketing persona?

You likely already know quite a bit about who your customers are. Information about their demographics, such as age, income, gender, etc. You also know their pain points—the problems they’re trying to solve when they come to you. What do they want and where are they looking for it? This information will help you identify characteristics of your average customer. Typically most businesses have more than one persona, and can create a primary, secondary, and tertiary persona. 

Once you’ve established which people are the best fit for your business, you can begin to figure out which digital channels will best connect you with them. 

How To Find Your Audience

  1. Look at where your website traffic is coming from. Your website has a ton of data associated with it – and that data has a story to tell. Your website’s traffic sources tell you a lot about which digital platforms your audience is using, which will tell you where to focus, where to optimize, and where the growth opportunities are. 
  2. Research your competitors. Your competitors can offer a wealth of information. Research competitors with similar marketing personas to yours—what’s working? From their websites to their local search listings and social media platforms, research the marketing strategies they’re utilizing and take note of anything that’s working particularly well. 
  3. Test things and measure the results. Reaching your audience requires trying new things, and sometimes, the things you try won’t work. Don’t be afraid to test out a new strategy. Learning what doesn’t work is often just as valuable as learning what does.

MyAdvice Can Help

We’ve been testing and refining marketing strategies for over 20 years. Working with us means working with a trusted, knowledgeable partner that can help your business grow. Contact one of our experts for your free consultation. 

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