What is a #Hashtag?

The “#” symbol used to be referred to as  the, “number sign” or the “pound key.” Today, the “#” symbol is referred to as a “hashtag,” which is a way to group your content by searchable relevant key words. For example, an article on blepharoplasty that is linked to in your Facebook status, or in a tweet would best be served with the tag, “#blepharoplasty.” It’s as simple as that! Hashtags allow social media users to actively search in a more organized way, for what they are interested in. Using hashtags makes your content part of the conversation! Social Media networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, all use hashtags as a means to organize content.


When creating a hashtag, make sure it has relevance. Select a hashtag based on a keyword. Keywords are what people are searching for in relation to your content. The most valuable keywords can be determined by your SEO account manager. For example, an article titled What to Expect After Breast Augmentation would best be served with a hashtag, #breastimplants. By searching #breastimplants anyone interested in breast augmentation surgery will be able to see your post, and can also help you gain more followers and likes on Twitter and Facebook. Users can also click on hashtags to see other related articles to your topic.


Besides organizing and searching, hashtags can be used to host online events. Users can get involved in the conversation from anywhere in the world. An example of a hashtag live chat applicable to medical practices would be a Q and A session with a doctor and current or perspective patients. For any practice, a great live chat hashtag could be #askDr.____ (the name of the doctor). If you do decide to host a live chat be sure to only offer general advice and never prescribe or diagnose any individual online. In addition to live chats, use this hashtag when sharing posts on Facebook and in retweets regarding the live chat! This way you continue to get use from the event.


Determining what words or phrases to use in a hashtag is not solely based on guessing. You need to first determine your practice’s core keyword, and break it down from there. Secondary keywords and phrases are associated with your core keywords. For example, if your core keyword is “orthopedics” then a secondary keyword could be “sports medicine,” or even “injury prevention.” A third way to determine keywords is to see what’s trending on your core keyword search. What are people talking about? In the world of orthopedics, PRP injections are a hot topic now, use #PRPinjections to get in on the trending action!


  • Relevance matters
  • Do your research
  • Engage your audience through live chats, shared posts, and retweets!

MyAdvice Can #Hashtag It For You

Too busy to manage your social media needs? Let MyAdvice help! We can plan an organized and effective social media strategy to get potential clients interested in your services! Contact an MyAdvice Representative to learn more.

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