The Importance of Facebook Ads

Facebook is one of the most popular social networks on the internet.  It is estimated that one out of three people (approximately 128 million) use Facebook daily in the United States. With such high traffic volume, Facebook is a valuable tool for advertisers. For every advertisement placed on a Facebook user’s profile, it is possible that any of their Facebook friends or visitors can see that same advertisement. Here’s a few reasons why Facebook advertising is a valuable unique approach to increasing profits:

  1. You choose your content. Well-worded content is a driving force behind effective advertising.
  2. Design. The appearance of your ad is important, and you have the ability to customize it to represent your brand effectively.
  3. Facebook ads target custom audiences. Recently liked posts, and internet searches determine what advertisements show up on users’ pages. In other words, ads are placed on users’ pages that have already expressed interest in.
  4. Facebook ads generated for custom audiences have a better chance at creating positive buzz. Ads that are targeted to a custom audience are 387% more likely to be talked about among coworkers, friends and family, according to a Facebook study.
  5. When it comes to new products and businesses, 92% of people trust word of mouth recommendations where 47% of people trust media recommendations. Buzz created by advertisements on Facebook translates between people with the same value as a personal recommendation more times than not. This is increasingly valuable in the medical field because new patients are more likely to schedule an appointment with a physician someone they know sees rather than a recommendation from elsewhere.
  6. The average desktop computer user spends 6.35 hours a month on Facebook, which is significantly higher than any other site, with Google coming in second at 3.2 hours a month. That means that advertisements on Facebook are the most-seen advertisements on the web.
  7. Facebook makes targeting the “right” people easier through a target custom audience approach.
  8. Facebook advertisements have a lower cost-per-click rate than many other internet advertising programs. For example, in a study conducted by Facebook including 60 campaigns, 49% of them increased return profit by 5 times over the cost per ad.

MyAdvice Can Handle It For You

Too busy to manage your Facebook advertisements? Let MyAdvice help! We can plan an organized and effective strategy to get potential patients interested in your services! Contact an MyAdvice Representative to learn more.

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