Does Social Media Lead to Conversions?

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When it comes to developing your digital marketing strategy, determining whether or not social media is worthwhile for your practice is tough to measure. But our team can reassure you that maintaining active social media accounts matters, even if you can’t put a number to the positive results.

Tracking website traffic from your Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ page is easy. And it’s a great indicator that patients are interested in the services you offer. But unless they link to your website and immediately contact your practice, a conversion might be difficult to identify. 

Potential patients may initially find your website via social media but contact your practice after a subsequent visit to your site. So while you may not be able to see the social media metrics, conversions are happening!

In addition to realizing that social media conversions are tough to track, keep in mind that robust pages also serve your business in a variety of other ways. 

Brand Recognition

The more you expose your brand, the better! When potential patients associate your logo with quality services and positive messages, they’re more likely to visit your website and contact your practice. Social media is a great resource to provide new content on a regular basis to maximize exposure to your target audience.

Patients today look to social media pages to establish that your practice is professional and legitimate. Even if a current patient refers your practice to a friend or family member, that potential patient needs affirmation that your practice is credible. They’ll search for your website and social media pages to do so. You need current and frequent content on your pages to prove that your practice will meet their expectations.

Our team implements proven social media best practices to ensure that you build brand recognition via your pages. We post information about your services to drive business to your practice, articles about your medical field to establish your authority, and entertainment content to boost positive associations with your practice.

Link Building

Social media pages are great for posting content that links directly back to your website. Including links strengthens your digital marketing strategy for two reasons: potential patients are provided with easy access to your website and search engines factor legitimate link building into search results. That means posting links on your social media pages boosts SEO!

Our team posts a link to your website once a week on your Facebook and Google+ pages. So we’ve got you covered with ongoing link building.

Google+ Page

If you consider Google search results only, maintaining a Google+ page boosts SEO… it’s that simple! As the search engine monitors its own channels, your active presence is noticed. Posting the same type of content that promotes brand recognition and increases link building also indicates to Google that you provide an excellent user experience. When your website and social media page adhere to Google standards, the effects are apparent in the search results.

To further prove our point that social media is crucial to cosmetic surgical practice success, consider recent findings in a MEDLINE®/PubMed® study in February 2015:

Social media advertisements were significantly more influential in patient decisions to undergo cosmetic procedures than television or print advertisements. Cosmetic patients report an inclination to write about their cosmetic experience online or read about experiences of others through social media sources. – Sarah Churton, MD

Patients who are likely to seek your services use social media to research and recap their experiences most often. It behooves your practice to have a strong social media presence to capture your audience.

We provide social media services developed to enhance your digital marketing strategy and maximize conversions. Let us know if you’d like to learn more about how social media leads to conversions!

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