When it comes to maintaining a professional account for your business, it’s important to know how to use a Twitter account to boost and support your company’s online presence, as well as how to avoid regretful Twitter pitfalls.
For example, if your Twitter account is being handled by an employee who is unaware or untrained in managing a professional account, it could reflect poorly on your entire practice and negatively affect your company’s reputation.
The person put in charge of creating and/or updating your Twitter account should know how to:
- Select a fitting Twitter handle to represent your company, accurately assign a user photo, add a brief but well-written description of your practice in the account’s profile section, which can also include a link to your company’s official site.
- Once set up, the person designated to running your Twitter should update the account on a pre-planned, organized schedule so that the account will not be neglected. If a potential client sees that your company’s Twitter account was last updated two months ago, it gives the impression that you are not particularly concerned with your online presence.
- The poster should also know to not send out too many tweets in a row, back-to-back. Mass tweeting can come across as overwhelming – or worse, annoying – on your Twitter followers’ timelines, which gives them a reason to unfollow or block your company’s account.
- Your employee should also know how to use url abbreviation sites such as Bit.ly to shorten links. Adding links to information on your site, such as a new blog post or a special offer you are currently running, will lead more visitors to your site and attract more business.
- Your designated tweeter should, most importantly, know how to relay accurate, interesting, relevant information within the 140-character context. Along with the obvious requirements, including using proper spelling, punctuation and grammar, the writer should also know what topics are appropriate to post to your professional Twitter account.
- In the same vein, your employee should also be aware of how to interact with other Twitter users, as well as know how to respond and interact with current customers and potential clients who tweet at your account. Click here to learn how to handle customer complaints over Twitter.
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