The Benefits of Adding Videos to Your Site

Video Optimization for your websiteVideo optimization is becoming more important as a mainstream aspect of search engine optimization. It can be a great way for you to expose your brand to users who may have otherwise not been familiar with your practice. Adding videos to your website can help you stand out amongst the competition and open up new avenues of exposure on the Internet.

What are the benefits in terms of traffic, visibility, etc.?

  • Enhanced listing in search results. Not only can videos show up as text links alongside other web results, they can also be embedded into the search results. This means there is an opportunity to have the actual video presented to the user as a result of their normal Google search.
  • Multiple listings for a given search. Having your site and multiple videos show up for the same search can allow you to potentially dominate the search results.
  • Additional sources of traffic & exposure. Submitting videos to portals like YouTube allow you additional exposure that you wouldn’t receive otherwise by not only allowing their visitors to view your video and see your message, but additionally linking to your practice’s site to receive further information.

What are the other benefits of video?

Posting a video is another great way to both attract and upsell patients.

  • Dynamic Presentation. They provide an unbeatable introduction to who you are and what you do. Add life to your website by inserting video amongst the static text!
  • Establish a “Comfort Level” with a Prospective Patient. When a potential patient views a video on your website, it helps them establish a personal connection with you and your practice without ever even meeting you. This helps you establish credibility and makes it easier for you to gain that potential patient’s trust.
  • Enhances User Experience. Videos are proven to dramatically increase the average time a user spends on a given website. The longer you have a captive audience, the better chance you have of them becoming a patient.

Note that the sooner you get your videos indexed by search engines, the better chance you will have of establishing good placement on solid footing. So if you’ve been contemplating adding video to your site, take the first step and get a consultation to find out how videos can boost your practice’s online presence.

MyAdvice Can Handle It for You

Too busy to manage your social media accounts? Let MyAdvice help! We can plan an organized and effective social media strategy to get potential clients interested in your services! Contact an MyAdvice Representative to learn more.

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