5 Ways to Maximize your Mobile Marketing Strategy

Now is the time to maximize mobile marketing for your practice. Don’t lose patients because of your mobile presence! With more patients searching on smartphones and tablets, it’s crucial to make sure not only your website, but also your other marketing strategies are reaching mobile viewers. Here's how:

  • Get a Mobile Website: A mobile website ensures that potential patients who come across your site on their smartphone or tablet will view your site exactly how it appears on the web. The only difference is that images, navigation and sizing will be optimized for viewing on their mobile device. Often, if a website is not optimized for the mobile web, it can be unappealing and difficult to navigate. This can cause viewers to immediately leave your site and visit a competitor’s.
  • Implement QR Codes: Add a QR code to practice brochures, mailings and business cards. A QR code acts like a bar code that brings users to a specific mobile landing page when scanned by a smartphone or other mobile device. You can direct patients directly to your website. Remember, you may only want to do this if you have a mobile site!
  • Optimize Emails for Mobile: Let’s face it – most patients are receiving and opening emails on their mobile devices. Make sure your font size is 14pts or higher for the best visibility on smartphones. Also avoid long subject lines, make buttons large and “thumb-friendly” and keep your layout simple! Learn more here.
  • Optimize Facebook Posts for Mobile: More than half of Facebook users access the social network from their mobile device. Make sure status updates are powerful to mobile viewers. You can do so by adding photos and videos frequently, keeping your posts 160 characters or less and ending with call to action. Learn more here.
  • Utilize Facebook “Check In”: A great way to motivate patients to visit your practice is by allowing them to “check in” for specials or promotions. Visitors can check-in using Facebook, or Foursquare. When patients check-in, it will be shared with their entire social network, therefore spreading the word about your practice, your services and your special offers.

Reach your Mobile Audience

Don’t lose patients because of your mobile presence! Make sure your marketing materials are optimized for smartphones and tablets! Not sure where to start? We can help! We offer a variety of services to help boost your mobile presence and reach your mobile audience. From full mobile sites to social networking packages, we have something for your practice! Contact a MedNet representative to get started.

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