Can Healthcare Practices Use Instagram Reels?

A hand holding a phone with an Instagram Reels logo on the screen.

If you’re on Instagram, you’ve undoubtedly seen Reels come across your feed – maybe you’ve even created one for your own profile. When it comes to incorporating Reels into a business social media strategy, especially a healthcare practice, there are some things to be aware of in order to be successful. Done correctly, you have the opportunity to expand your practice to new audiences. But there are things to keep in mind to protect the privacy of your patients – and the reputation of your practice as a result. 

Here’s what you need to know.

What are reels?

While often written off as a silly vehicle for dance videos, Reels are Instagram’s short-form video product. While you can post videos as part of your own feed, it’s an important distinction to note that Reels are their own separate entity within the Instagram app. 

They have their own section within your profile, as well as their own tab at the bottom of your app. Here’s where to find them, using our own MyAdvice Instagram as an example:

Where to find Reels you’ve posted on Instagram:

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Where to browse other creator’s Reels on Instagram:

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How can Reels help healthcare practices?

Why is the above distinction important? It’s the ability to browse strictly by Reels other creators have made that makes this medium worth incorporating into your own social strategy. Instagram has made it very clear that they prioritize Reels, so not only are they putting Reels in front of new audiences all the time, but they also frequently put them on the explore page and in feeds. That means there are more chances for your content to be seen by new audiences. 

Plus, they’re just fun. People love video content, and that’s not new. Short-form videos are less labor-intensive to create than their long-form counterparts, and they hold the audience’s attention. Whether it’s someone new or your own followers, adding this additional type of content to your mix is a good way to increase attention and engagement.

What should healthcare practices post on Reels?

If you’re on board with Reels, now you’re probably wondering what you should post. Luckily, you have options and a few sources of inspiration if you’re stuck. 

Option 1: Turn content you’ve already created into a Reel.

A good place to start is with something you’ve already done. If you have a blog, you already have a wealth of potential Reels content available to you. Consider taking your blog content and condensing it into video format. If you don’t have a blog, utilize the copy on your website.

Option 2: Research other healthcare practices on Reels.

If you’re brand new to Reels, it’s a good idea to see what other practices are doing to get a feel for how Reels are being utilized in the industry. Are practices in your specialty posting primarily educational content? Are they introducing their employees? Take notes, and whatever you do, remember you’re looking for inspiration, not copying them directly.

What should healthcare practices avoid posting on Reels?

It probably comes as no shock that you must still adhere to the same HIPAA compliance rules when it comes to Reels. Avoid disclosing protected health information (PHI), including names, addresses, and medical records of any patients. If you do decide to create a reel that includes information about a case, keep it general. If you share videos that include footage of your office, make sure there’s no PHI anywhere in the background, including patients themselves or files with visible information. Photos and videos with the written consent of a patient are okay.

If you do decide to add Reels to your social media strategy, make sure you create guidelines (with examples!) about what’s okay and what’s not okay to post to your HIPAA compliance training. 

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