Be a Better Twitter User

It seems recently that a number of our doctors and practice administrators want to know “the secret” of how to be a good tweeter, twit, twitterer or twister (these are some of my favorite terms used when they mean Twitter-user.) Like all things social media-related being consistent, original and interesting are the big secret—which really isn’t a secret at all. If those guidelines are a bit esoteric has outlined some concrete ways to become a Twitter super user in its blog 7 Habits of Highly Effective Twitter Users.

Important tips include stay consistent with content, interact with followers and promote others—so how could a practice follow suit, while staying on brand?

Let’s start at the top—Klout suggests being actively engaged in conversations with your followers. Clearly a doctor wouldn’t dispense medical advice via Twitter but answering general questions, or sharing information certainly qualifies as interaction. In order to address a follower directly, add the @ symbol before their screen name. For instance, if you’d like to direct a shared tweet at MyAdvice you’d include @Advice_Media in your tweet.

Promoting others may also be different for a doctor than it would be for a different type of business or brand. Sharing content of other experts in your field gives authority to both you and the other author, as well as creates an audience engaged with subject matter.

This leads me to number 3, staying consistent—as an extension of your practice your Twitter account should revolve around a central theme—likely your specialty. That is not to say that adding some personality to your Twitter is forbidden, but do remember to keep it professional, thematic and as always, interesting.

And if Twitter intimidates you then go out and expl0re. Read other people’s tweets, follow similar accounts, even asking questions can help to make you more comfortable with Twitter, and help you gain an audience.

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